CD Business Card-Medical Record Software

With Purchase of the Medical Record Software you will receive Your Own Personalized CD Business Card to use for Marketing your Legal Nurse Consulting Practice to Attorneys. This CD Business Card has Power Point Screen Shots of All the Work-Products that are Created in the Software. I found this very useful to give to Attorneys to "Show them what You can do for Them!" The size of the CD is a mini CD. It is a nice handout at Attorney Shows and part of your Marketing Package. You can also E-mail this Power Point CD. This is very useful. One of our Software Clients had an Attorney call her and said "What can you do for me?" She E-mailed the CD Business Card to the Attorney and she got the Case.
Your name and contact information will be changed where my name is. You will need to buy the CD's and labels [finished label template included]. I will give you instructions where to get the materials & you can burn as many CD's as you need. I can show you this Business Card CD with the Demo of the Software.
Your name and contact information will be changed where my name is. You will need to buy the CD's and labels [finished label template included]. I will give you instructions where to get the materials & you can burn as many CD's as you need. I can show you this Business Card CD with the Demo of the Software.